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DUIs- What You Don't Know Can Cost You

Oct. 8, 2014

DUIs are sometimes considered a secretive or shameful matter, but that doesn't need to be the case. DUI is an area of law, and they deserve representation and fair assessment as much as another matter. In fact, there are specific legal issues relevant to DUIs that you need to be aware of. DUI Blog addressed some of the relevant matters involving breathalyzers. If interested, read more here. In short, breathalyzers multiple the amount of alcohol in a DUI suspect's breath. This "partition ratio" is only an average, and this average can allow for vastly different BAC results. Additionally, there is a procedure that must be followed, to ensure breathalyzer tests are administered lawfully and accurately. If you are unsure of the specifics of these regulations, you are not alone. Lawyers who specialize in this area of law are familiar with the current case law and procedures.

If you are in need of assistance with your own DUI circumstances or have questions about breathalyzers and the procedures that must be followed, contact Wolfe Law Office for a free consultation at 304-245-9097.


DUI Blog- How Breathalyzers Work (and Why They Don't)

DUI Blog- Breathalyzers- and why they don't work